Marlon Wayans supports his 19 year-old daughter for Pride Month

Happy Pride Month, everyone! To celebrate, I have a wonderful Pride story for you starring Marlon Wayans. Marlon is from the multitalented Wayans Family, being the youngest of the 10 first generation siblings. Hes career achievements have been as an actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer. However, its clear the title he is most proud of


Happy Pride Month, everyone! To celebrate, I have a wonderful Pride story for you starring Marlon Wayans. Marlon is from the multitalented Wayans Family, being the youngest of the 10 first generation siblings. He’s career achievements have been as an actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer. However, it’s clear the title he is most proud of is father. He let everyone know last Monday he wasn’t going to tolerate anyone trying to tear down his kids. Marlon celebrated Pride Month by posting this pic of his 19-year old, gay daughter, Amai, to his Instagram:

Many of us were quite moved by such a lovely statement. Then again, many of us are normal functioning human beings and not ignorant trolls who enjoy spreading hateg. Unfortunately, the latter found their way on to Marlon’s post and left a bunch of stupid comments about how tragic it was that he was supporting his amazing kid. But instead of deleting all their ignorant @sses, Marlon replied, defending Amai and who she is. One called Marlon sad and *gasp* vowed to unfollow him, to which he appropriately replied “bye.” Another accused him of “teaching” Amai the wrong lesson because she was too young to understand her own sexual preferences. Marlon’s told him that 19 is plenty old enough to know who you are, and he loves her for who she is. When one commenter pointed out that Marlon could just erase the comments, he said he’d considered it, but that he needed, “the world to see the ignorance that still exist(sic).”

In that same response about ignorance, Marlon said, “We all will some day get to unconditional love. Because of my daughter, I am one step closer.” The importance of that comment harkens back to a post he made for Amai’s birthday last month, which was an adorable throwback shot of a wound Marlon holding a toddler Amai with the caption:

Happy birthday to my pride, my heart, my love, my soul, my mini me, my inspiration, my moral compass, my sweet loving, romantic, kind hearted, intelligent, talented, soulful, conscious, angelic, beautiful daughter. I have loved you before you were even here. I rubbed you in your mommy’s belly, i read to you, i talked to you, i kissed you, i cuddled you, i loved you. I remember your head crowned all i saw was a full head of black curly hair and i began to cry like a baby. May 24, 2000, i pulled you from your mother’s womb, i held you in my arms and my world changed. My purpose shifted. I no longer lived for me… i lived for you, for my family, for us. You gave me purpose. You made me tender, you made me communicate, you made me humble, you made me attentive, you made me listen, you made me grow up. Your mere presence turned an arrogant boy into a humble man. You instantly shattered my hardcore and your mommy helped melt it away. Ask your mom you and that boy made me better. Without trying you did. You’re heaven sent. An amazing child. A kind human. A soul any and every parent would be proud to have as a daughter. You a strong minded and have always been. I tried to make you a righty you said “no nigga LEFT”. I tried to steer you straight you said “no nigga gay”. I tried demand things to be my way and you said “why”? You stood up to optimal authority, you questioned it, you challenged it and you defeated it. Thank you for that. Thank you for making me accountable for my actions. Thank u for sticking up for your brother. Once again you grew me. You changed my perspective. You made me love unconditionally and most of all you accept and love me unconditionally for all my flaws. When i am hurting for some reason you are usually present to tap them long soft fingers on my back and “it’s okay Dad”. I feel so strong to be able to be vulnerable in the presence of strong women who uplift me. Thank u for being one of those women. I can’t be no more proud of you than i already am. Never change. Just keep evolving. And know that wherever u are somebody loves u to the moon and back 4 2 4evers X infinity + 1 day… dad

This is a beautifully raw expression of pure love that clearly speaks to the evolution of Marlon’s beliefs. I could go line by line and tell you why I love each but that would take awhile so I’ll just highlight the part that he gives Amai all the credit for his change and the lines in which he emphasizes that it was her sticking up for herself and her brother that led to that change (Marlon’s son, Shawn, is 17). Later that day, he posted this:

And that’s what it’s about, isn’t it? Creating a safe place for those we love within our lives. This AM, my daughter, who identifies as LGBTQ, lamented that we had no Pride clothing to wear. Her older, straight brother left the room and came back wearing his rainbow-banded Pride fedora and said, “No, *you* don’t have any,” and sauntered by her and she tried to snatch it from him. It was fun, but it also felt safe, and I hope they both know we will always provide that for them just as Marlon has assured his kids. I’m glad to know that we have such a powerful spokesperson as Marlon among our community. He’s setting a wonderful example.

Oh, and because I know you want to know, Buzzfeed helped us out with Amai’s awesome shoes. They think it’s Vans Rainbow Skate Shoe which you can purchase at Journey’s or Goat.




Photo credit: WENN Photos and Instagram

