Bruce Willis made Ashton Kutcher weep uncontrollably and beg for forgiveness

Amid all the stories about Ashton Kutcher being a hot tub cheating douche, there were precious few about whether Bruce Willis would go Die Hard on Ashtons ass for cheating on Demi. Well according to Mike Walker in the National Enquirer, Bruce sort-of did just that. Bruce gave Ashton such a harsh talking-to about publicly

Amid all the stories about Ashton Kutcher being a hot tub cheating douche, there were precious few about whether Bruce Willis would go Die Hard on Ashton’s ass for cheating on Demi. Well according to Mike Walker in the National Enquirer, Bruce sort-of did just that. Bruce gave Ashton such a harsh “talking-to” about publicly humiliating Demi and all of their daughters that Ashton broke down crying. Oh I would have loved to have seen that.

Bruce Willis demanded – and got – a face-to-face butt-kicking showdown that left Ashton Kutcher shaking like a leaf after the “Die Hard” star confronted the smarmy party boy/cheater about dissing Demi Moore via his closerthanthis sleazefest with bigmouth Sara Leal! “Ashton kept avoiding Bruce’s calls and texts, but finally agreed to meet his wife’s ex-husband at a private location,” said a close pal of the couple. “Bruce was livid! He reamed Ashton for his cheating – and humiliating not just ex-wife Demi, but his three daughters as well. He went at Ashton full force, giving him no time to make excuses for his embarrassing behavior, demanding that he get his act together fast! Ashton finally broke down in tears, weeping uncontrollably as he begged forgiveness. [Ashton is] devastated because Demi’s consulted a divorce attorney [and] begged Bruce to step in and stop her from committing to a separation. He reportedly vowed to Bruce. “I will NEVER, EVER cheat again!” Said the source: “Bruce isn’t ready to shake hands with Ashton just yet, but he did speak with Demi and advised her that if she decides to try keeping her marriage intact, she should seek traditional marriage counseling – not just the Kabbalah counseling they’ve been doing.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, Mike Walker’s column, November 14, 2011]

I could see Ashton doing this. It’s like his dad yelling at him and making him cry for being a little punk.

The last we heard, Demi was potentially cheating on Ashton too with one of his friends. I’m not buying the angle in this Enquirer piece that she wants out of the marriage, though. I think she wants to hang in there and save it, as US Weekly recently reported, and that Ashton is on board only because he doesn’t want to mess up his life. He’s got enough money on his own and doesn’t need Demi monetarily, but I believe he probably likes being married to her, getting adoration at home while getting his strange on the side with groupies. He’ll still cheat, he’ll just wait a little while and then try and be more discreet about it. That’s pretty much what he’s been doing his entire marriage.

I googled “Ashton Kutcher crying” and this is all I found:




Bruce Willis is shown out on 9/9/11. He’s shown with his wife Emma Hemming on 3/22/11 and with Demi and Rumer on 3/24/11. Credit: Fame and WENN

