Amy Sedaris lost weight from stress while decluttering her apartment: relatable?

Amy Sedaris was on Seth Meyers last week and she was hilarious as usual. Shes promoting her role on Girls5Eva, season two of which is airing now on Peacock. Amy was wearing a huge Agnes B dress that her equally hilarious brother, David, convinced her to buy. She said it made her feel pregnant. Amy

Amy Sedaris was on Seth Meyers last week and she was hilarious as usual. She’s promoting her role on Girls5Eva, season two of which is airing now on Peacock. Amy was wearing a huge Agnes B dress that her equally hilarious brother, David, convinced her to buy. She said it made her feel pregnant. Amy told Seth that she’s been decluttering her place as it was starting to look like the storage unit from Silence of The Lambs, “clutter on clutter.” She’s going to auction off some things to benefit diabetes research and rabbit charities. Amy loves her little kitschy objects though and it’s been so stressful for her to get rid of stuff that she lost six pounds. Here’s a little of what she told Seth and you can watch that video below.

I have been decluttering like crazy. It’s been very stressful having to say goodbye to things. [I have] a lot of anxiety. I lost 6 pounds doing it. I had some friends helping me, and they were like, “You have to make a quick decision. Are you gonna keep it, are you gonna get rid of it?”

[From Seth Meyers on YouTube]

After that they showed some things that Amy got rid of, including some old fashioned children’s crutches that she has for visiting kids to play with. She also has a mobile made of rusty nails and some bizarre cookbooks. I hate decluttering and have put it off so long! I can relate to being stressed about it except for the weight loss part. I eat when I’m stressed out and it’s only when I’m devastated that I lose weight.

While I’m not as much of a collector as Amy I also enjoy thrift shopping and acquiring weird little pieces that I then have trouble getting rid of. I’ve donated clothing to the Goodwill, seen it there and gotten nostalgic and bought it back. I’m not proud of this but I’ll admit to it! If you read the Amazon posts you’ll also know that I am easily convinced that I need something that might improve my life in even the slightest way. My love language is gifts so it’s self care to me to buy stuff. It’s likely I need to move soon and that will involve getting rid of countless things, including items from my son’s childhood. I’m not looking forward to that at all! Maybe I can rest assured that if Amy can do it I can too.

Also I’m glad to hear that Amy’s rabbit Tina, who is now over nine, is still doing well. Tina is actually a boy, Amy only found that out when she took Tina to the vet at four years old. Tina has had a charmed life although Amy is looking for a new rabbit sitter for him. She found the last rabbit sitter at a rabbit conference! She’s a hoot, as my mom would say. (Apologies to Hecate for swiping this story from her. Hecate has been covering Amy for years.)

Here’s that interview! It will brighten your day.

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Photos credit:, Getty and via Instagram

