Check Out Tom Cruises Leading Lady Olga Kurylenko (Photos)

Tom Cruise has always been all about business and his divorce with Katie Holmes does not seem to be slowing Scientologys leading man down. Katie filed for divorce on June 28, supposedly blindsiding Tom but it appears that Tom had already taken up with Olga Kurylenko, 32. The Ukrainian-born former Bond girl (Quantum of Solace

Out Tom Cruise's Leading Lady Olga Kurylenko (Photos)

Tom Cruise has always been all about business and his divorce with Katie Holmes does not seem to be slowing Scientology’s leading man down. Katie filed for divorce on June 28, supposedly blindsiding Tom but it appears that Tom had already taken up with Olga Kurylenko, 32. The Ukrainian-born former Bond girl (Quantum of Solace – 2008) is Tom’s co-star in his upcoming film ‘Oblivion‘ which is shooting now.  Observers report that Tom Cruise and Olga Kurylenko seem to get on exceedingly well.  Watch out Tom!

Olga has already been married and divorced twice – In 2000 Olga married French fashion photographer Cedric van Mol and divorced him 4 years later after her career improved.  Then is 2006 she scored the big bucks by marrying American mobile phone accessory entrepreneur Damian Gabrielle, divorcing him in 2007.  Now Olga is an independently wealthy woman whose Wikipedia entry indicates that she fancies herself a philanthropist.

Tom is extremely vulnerable now that Katie has made their 5 years of marriage together into a public farce.  Whatever you want to say about Tom and his Scientology shtick, he always was exactly the person who he claimed to be, and you can’t say that about Katie, the chameleon.  Katie pretended to go along with Tom and Scientology – but she apparently couldn’t stand him, or it, all the while.

Now along comes Olga – let’s assume that she finds Tom to be a great stepping stone prospect for husband number three – will she be willing and able to embrace Scientology?  We say that she will –absolutely – no problem – in a New York minute.  Hey, Olga was born in Ukraine while it was still a part of the former Soviet Union – these folks were indoctrinated, spied upon, and controlled from birth until death!  Scientology and it rules are like a summer holiday for people like Olga.  She can play that game while whistling ‘Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend’ and chewing gum.

Olga Kurylenko is being looked at as the possible new co-star in his life. Sources say he has ‘great chemistry’ with the sexy Bond girl. Kurylenko plays Tom’s love interest in the movie ‘Oblivion’ which is filming now

Credit: Diane Cohen/FAMEFLYNET

