Robert Pattinson sold out by random friend of Emile Hirsch, Erika Dutra

Cripes, this is a long story, and I realize most of really dont care about Robert Pattinson, but Ive started to feel bad for the kid. Hes in the middle of some skeezy tabloid drama, and its just never-ending. It started in Cannes, where R-Pattz showed up to party and be seen. He donated a

Cripes, this is a long story, and I realize most of really don’t care about Robert Pattinson, but I’ve started to feel bad for the kid. He’s in the middle of some skeezy tabloid drama, and it’s just never-ending. It started in Cannes, where R-Pattz showed up to party and be seen. He donated a kiss to amfAR, which got more than $20,000, which is really great (for the charity). He was one of the biggest celebrities to attend the Cannes amfAR event, and I would imagine many people were watching him. So it was strange that only Life & Style came out with this report, about a hook-up R-Pattz allegedly had that night with a wannabe starlet named Erika Dutra. Here’s the original Life & Style report:

Kristen Stewart may be the one Robert Pattinson wants, but while she was filming thousands of miles away, Robert, her New Moon co-star, hooked up with a gorgeous blonde in Cannes!

Los Angeles resident Erika Dutra and Robert were spotted canoodling at the post-party for amfAR Cinema Against AIDS in Cannes.

“Erika was introduced to Robert by a mutual friend at the beginning of the night and he was smitten with her from that point on,” an eyewitness tells Life & Style. “He took pictures of her, sat with her all night, and the two of them were even seen kissing! There was serious chemistry between them, and they looked like they were having an amazing time.”

And it seems the night didn’t end there for the two: “Erika and Robert even left the party together!” the eyewitness reveals.

[From Life & Style]

Lainey at LaineyGossip was at Cannes, however, and she and her friend saw R-Pattz the night before at the Hotel du Cap. R-Pattz was apparently having a meal with his manager when Emile Hirsch and a couple of girls came over to the table and sat down. One of the girls was this Erika Dutra girl, and Lainey reports that the picture of R-Pattz and Erika from Life & Style is from the night before the amfAR benefit. Lainey’s stuff is really long-winded, but you can read it in full here. Here are some of the highlights:

First – the amfAR event was loaded with journalists. Many, many journalists. It would however seem that the only witness to Pattinson’s supposed hookup with this blonde was Life & Style’s source. Because everyone else – and trust me, EVERYONE was watching him that night, including several with a vested interest and much to gain from a Robert Pattinson romance story – observed that he was actually really low key that night, spoke with Emile Hirsch and a few other celebrities, was not drinking heavily, and certainly did not spend most of the night, if any part of the night, in the exclusive company of “Erika”.

Speaking of Emile Hirsch though – you can blame him for Pattinson getting sold out. Because it’s his friend who did it… a friend of Emile Hirsch misrepresented herself. A friend of Emile Hirsch sold out Robert Pattinson. These photos are being sold in high quality. Which means you can’t blame Facebook because the only way they can be sold in HQ is if they’re the originals. Oh wait, let me guess, her camera was stolen.

Is Erika an aspiring actress? Or hard up for cash?

As for whether or not she left with Pattinson after amfAR, we’re not sure she was even AT amfAR. And again, he was being watched all night. No one else seems to be able to corroborate Life & Style’s account.

Three possibilities:

1. Erika did not f-ck Pattinson the night at the du Cap because if they did go to bed, in selling these pictures, she’s effectively killed any other chance of going to bed with him again.
2. He turned her down, this is why she’s selling the photos, figuring she may as well profit from his rejection
3. She did f-ck him, doesn’t care to f-ck him again, and figures she should profit from their night together

[From LaineyGossip]

Lainey called it correctly – this Erika girl gave her story to Star Magazine. Star has an “exclusive” interview with Erika, who gives some stupid quotes about how R-Pattz is “very sweet” and “even better-looking in person”.

Rob Pattinson made a French connection — and she’s talking to Star.

After flings with his beautiful costars Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed and actress Camilla Belle, the Twilight hottie set his sights on a stunning California blonde at a party at the Hôtel du Cap Eden-Roc in Antibes, France on May 22.

Star tracked down the lucky lady — Erika Dutra — who talks to us exclusively about her night with the hunk.

“We had a great time together! Rob’s very sweet,” Erika Dutra gushes to Star through giggles in our June 8 issue. “He’s even better-looking in person than he is in photographs.”

Erika’s friend Amika Akaya adds that she’s not surprised her pal caught Rob’s eye. “Not only is she beautiful, but she’s also a really great person — fun, outgoing and supersweet,” she tells Star.

[From Star Magazine]

Oh, barf. This is really sleazy. R-Pattz probably didn’t even kiss this girl and she’s out there selling photographs of the two of them on the terrace of the Hotel du Cap, giving quotes to tabloids about how great he is. As if, magically, casting directors will want to meet with her if she sells this alleged hookup hard enough. See? Don’t you feel bad for R-Pattz?

Life & Style has the photo of Robert Pattinson and Erika Dutra.

Robert Pattinson is shown at the amfAR event on 5/21/09. Credit: He’s also shown in Italy having a lunch break from working on New Moon on 5/26/09. Co-star Kirsten Stewart and some other people are eating with him. Credit: Bauergriffinonline

