Sarah Hyland on comments shes anorexic she has a condition, is on bed rest

Modern Familys Sarah Hyland, 26, always manages to impress me in interviews. Shes perky without being annoying, she has an infectious enthusiasm and she just seems like a genuinely nice person. I also really admire the way she handled her exit from a five year abusive relationship, in 2014. She got a permanent restraining order,

Modern Family’s Sarah Hyland, 26, always manages to impress me in interviews. She’s perky without being annoying, she has an infectious enthusiasm and she just seems like a genuinely nice person. I also really admire the way she handled her exit from a five year abusive relationship, in 2014. She got a permanent restraining order, I’m assuming her publicist talked to US because they had insider quotes about what she went through, and then she gave a brief interview in which she gave some vague quotes about going through some things. She’s not one to get into person details from what I’ve seen, so the fact that she has opened up about her personal medical crisis is significant.

A couple of days ago Hyland posted an Instagram photo of herself wearing a t-shirt of her boyfriend, British actor Dominic Sherwood, a portion of the proceeds of which go to the anti-bullying alliance. That photo is above. People commented that she should “eat a burger” and that she looked too thin and possibly anorexic. In response she posted a long message to Twitter about the fact that she’s sick in bed and can’t exercise or stay healthy with her condition, which she didn’t disclose. The message is long and it’s in two parts on Twitter, which are screenshots of a note she wrote on her phone. Here are some excerpts:

I’d like to address something that has not only been brought up on Twitter but has been heavily discussed by all of you in my Instagram comments. That something is my weight. I normally don’t comment on things like this because it draws attention to those trying to spread negativity but I’m here to explain a few things and spread love. Here goes…I haven’t had the greatest year. Maybe one day I’ll talk about it but for now, I’d like my privacy. I will say this year has brought a lot of changes and with that, physical changes.

I have been told I can’t work out. Which, for me, is very upsetting. I am an activist for activity (and for eating junk food in bed but it’s all about balance right?). I love to be outdoors. I love to be strong. (I’ll be using that word a lot). Strength is everything. Being strong has gotten me where I am. Both mentally and physically. I am not a fan of ‘being skinny’ which many of you have told me that I am too much of. ‘Eat a burger, your head is bigger than your body and that’s disgusting’ and you’re right! I should eat a burger! Cause they’re f–king delicious! But guess what. I do And again, you’re right. No one’s head should be bigger than their body but considering I’ve basically been on bed rest for the past few months, I’ve lost a lot of muscle mass. My circumstances have put me in a place where I’m not in control of what my body looks like.

I write this because I’ve been accused of promoting anorexia in, ironically enough, an anti-bullying post. And I want young girls to know that’s not my intention.

I am working hard to maintain my weight by eating as much protein as possible and continue to be strong and healthy. There’s no need to worry. I’ve been down before and I’ll probably be down again in my lifetime but I’m steadfast and solid and will conquer my obstacles.

[From Twitter via E! Online]

Hyland played Baby’s sister in the Dirty Dancing TV movie, which aired last night and has been getting scathing reviews. I love Dirty Dancing and have seen the original dozens of times. I would have watched the remake if it caught my interest but it seemed laughably bad from the few minutes I caught in between watching a much better show. (The Americans, on my DVR.)

Some may accuse Hyland of using her platform to promote Dirty Dancing, but I think this is just a timing issue in that she was bothered by the comments, decided to respond, and it happened to coincide with the show. She deserves the benefit of the doubt here. I’m really interested to know what kind of illness she has. E! reminds us that Hyland received a kidney transplant from her father in 2012 to treat kidney dysplasia, a condition in which the kidneys don’t form properly in utero and which can vary in its severity. Her condition has got to be serious if her doctor is keeping her on bedrest and steroids and I hope she is on the way to recovery. She’s right too, so many people accuse others of eating disorders when we really don’t know their situation.



Event photos are from May 19 credit:

