Have Rachel McAdams & Jake Gyllenhaal quietly started dating?

The last time I checked, Jake Gyllenhaal had gotten back together with his model girlfriend Alyssa Miller after a short breakup earlier this year. The last time I checked, Rachel McAdams had recovered from her split with Michael Sheen by getting with a man named Patrick Sambrook. But now Rachel and Jake are about to


The last time I checked, Jake Gyllenhaal had gotten back together with his model girlfriend Alyssa Miller after a short breakup earlier this year. The last time I checked, Rachel McAdams had recovered from her split with Michael Sheen by getting with a man named Patrick Sambrook. But now Rachel and Jake are about to work with each other on Southpaw. And so they’ve been spending some time together, and they were even photographed together a few days ago. So now everyone wants to know if they’re banging.

Before Jake Gyllenhaal and Rachel McAdams hit MSG to watch boxer Miguel Cotto pummel Sergio Martinez, they stayed very close at an HBO Sports party, fueling rumors that they’re dating.

Romance buzz began when the pair stepped out last week for dinner in Pittsburgh, where they’re shooting a boxing movie, “Southpaw,” with Lupita Nyong’o and Forest Whitaker.

On Saturday in New York, spies said Gyllenhaal and McAdams appeared together at Lugo Caffe across from MSG before the bout.

“They arrived together and sat next to each other,” said a spy, adding the actors were “in deep conversation.” They stayed for an hour at the packed party and “looked happy and very friendly.”

Gyllenhaal wore a casual black baseball cap and jeans while McAdams went with a little back dress, and they headed over to the fight together. Other sources have said they are friendly co-stars doing research for their film in which Gyllenhaal plays a pugilist. Also at the fight were Mike Tyson, Tony Danza, 50 Cent, Dave Chappelle and Michael J. Fox.

[From Page Six]

Apparently they’ve also been out to dinner a few times, dinners which are described as “intimate.” So, what do you think? Just two friendly costars developing a friendship? Or something more? I think Rachel tends to have bad luck with men, but I might be projecting a little bit. I always think of her as a nice girl who just wants to settle down, get married and have kids. Maybe she’s not that person and she’s fine with her love life, thankyouverymuch. Or maybe she does want marriage & babies and she’s just dated a series of guys who don’t want that. In any case, I don’t think Jake is The Guy. He’s a fling, at most. And probably not even then.

Also, yes you read that correctly – Lupita Nyong’o has apparently been cast in Southpaw as well. She’s on the IMDB credits and everything. Good for her.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

