Mariah Carey blames 9/11, director for failure of Glitter

Mariah Carey is speaking out about the failure of her first starring film role, Glitter, all those years ago. Mariah knows the film wasnt that great in fact, she blames the director in a hilarious aside, saying But I didnt have representation or anyone to tell me: What you need is a great director.

Mariah Carey is speaking out about the failure of her first starring film role, Glitter, all those years ago. Mariah knows the film wasn’t that great – in fact, she blames the director in a hilarious aside, saying “But I didn’t have representation or anyone to tell me: ‘What you need is a great director’.” Snort, chuckle. Because that’s why Glitter failed – everyone said, “I really want to see that Mariah Carey movie, but the director sucks.” Of course.

Beyond the bad direction, Mariah knows where to really lay the blame, though. Right at the feet of the terrorists who struck America on September 11th, 2001. Yes, Mariah thinks Glitter would have been received differently if only the release date hadn’t been September 11th. Yes, that must be it:

Mariah Carey says her infamously bad movie debut Glitter failed because of 9/11.

The singer — who stars in new movie Precious – says her semi-biographical film was destined to bomb at the box office as it was released on exactly the same day as the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center eight years ago.

“That movie was released on September 11th, 2001 – could there be a worse day for that movie to come out? I don’t think so,” she said. “I don’t even know that many people even saw the movie so I don’t think it’s the worst thing ever done.”

“Glitter was a learning experience and I wouldn’t do it again if you paid me. But I didn’t have representation or anyone to tell me: ‘What you need is a great director’.”

Carey, 39, recently played down her reputation as a diva — insisting she is simply misunderstood.

“I have been through a lot that’s made me stronger,” she said. “They say: whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. So I’ve been through that kind of stuff a few times.”

“A lot of people have very different opinions about me and it’s difficult to face them and to deal with them and to go on and to say: no, actually you’re wrong. I am this, I am not that.”

[From Showbiz Spy]

I don’t have a problem with Mariah generally, she’s pretty harmless. But what started out as a gentle mocking of Glitter is turning into Mariah’s decade-long delusion that she would be a big movie star if only an epically horrible national tragedy struck just when she was trying to make it big in movies. Yes, Mariah is self-absorbed, this is not breaking news. But you’d think that even after all of these years, Mariah would still want to pepper her words with a little perspective. Something like “Glitter wasn’t released at the right time, no one was in the mood for it because we were all terrified and grief-stricken, and my heart still goes out to the 9/11 families.” Something like that.

By the way, this isn’t the first time Mariah has blamed 9/11, or the first time she’s played fast and loose with the quality of Glitter. Several years ago, she famously said, “The talk shows needed something to distract from 9/11. I became a punching bag. I was so successful that they tore me down because my album was at number 2 instead of number 1. The media was laughing at me and attacked me…Glitter was ahead of its time. Today it’s ‘in’ to make 80’s music.” Oh, Mariah. Get a grip.

Here’s the trailer for Glitter

Photos are stills from Glitter, thanks to Allmoviephoto.

