Audience has negative reaction to Jason Segals face, but his wang is popular

Forgetting Sarah Marshall opened in theaters on Friday, and Jason Segel who both starred in the film and wrote it was on the Late Show with David Letterman to promote the film. The movie has gotten a lot of attention far more than youd expect for a goofy romantic comedy. This is

Forgetting Sarah Marshall opened in theaters on Friday, and Jason Segel – who both starred in the film and wrote it – was on the Late Show with David Letterman to promote the film. The movie has gotten a lot of attention – far more than you’d expect for a goofy romantic comedy. This is probably due in large part to two factors: the interesting print promotion for the film, and the fact that Segel appears completely naked within the first five minutes of the film. Yes ladies, the days of full-frontal male nudity are finally here, just like I’ve been rooting for for the last six months. Though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.

Segel talked with Letterman about the movie posters which have been plastered all over major cities for the last few months. None of them have his face on them – they’re mostly insults to a girl named Sarah Marshall, with notes that say things like, “You always looked fat in those jeans Sarah Marshall.” When I first saw them I hadn’t heard of the movie and thought that they might really be from some jilted ex-lover. Turns out the reason Segal’s face isn’t on the film – as he explained it – is that audiences had an “unfavorable reaction to my face.” Ouch.

~ “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” opened strong over the weekend and is the #1 comedy in America. The film’s writer and leading man Jason Segel appeared on the “Late Show with David Letterman” Friday night and explained how he finally found success after five years of unemployment, only have his face taken off the film’s posters. “I’m not quite good-looking enough to be the good-looking guy, but I’m not bad-looking enough to be the hilarious guy.” He then explained the ad campaign, “They tested posters with my face on them and their [sic] was an unfavorable reaction to me face.”

[From the Huffington Post]

I always thought Jason Segel was pretty cute – he’s adorable on How I Met Your Mother. But now that I’m really scrutinizing his face, I’m not sure how I feel. He probably shouldn’t have pointed that out to the entire country. Here’s a clip from the Late Show; the part about the posters is two minutes in.

